audirect Beam 3Plus -- 高規格Hi-Res隨身藍牙耳擴USB DAC解碼器
audirect Beam 3Plus -- 高規格Hi-Res隨身藍牙耳擴USB DAC解碼器
横跨有线/无线的双模式便携解码耳放一体机——Audirect Beam 3 Plus
横跨有线/无线的双模式便携解码耳放一体机——Audirect Beam 3 Plus
[開箱評測]audirect Beam 3 PLUS DAC~兼具藍牙與隨身DAC的萬靈丹~
[開箱評測]audirect Beam 3 PLUS DAC~兼具藍牙與隨身DAC的萬靈丹~
MQA---BEAM 2SE开箱简评
HiFi弹药库 篇二十:MQA未来会是主流,手机与小尾巴合体,或许是最简易有效的聆听方式:BEAM 2SE开箱简评
Hilidac Beam2SE小尾巴
同系列我最满意,Hilidac Beam2SE小尾巴
Hilidac BEAM2S解码耳放线试听
HIFI 篇一百一十三:追求极致,Hilidac BEAM2S解码耳放线试听分享
BEAM 2S解码耳放体验
HiFi弹药库 篇四:小尾巴音质终结者:BEAM 2S解码耳放体验
超前独享MQA好声音,简评Hilidac Beam2便携式解码耳放
超前独享MQA好声音,简评Hilidac Beam2便携式解码耳放
支持MQA 的便携式小解码 Beam 2
[便携音源] 推荐一个支持MQA 的便携式小解码 Beam 2 ( 品牌 hilidac )
評測Audirect Whistle USB Dac
Con la lenta e graduale scomparsa del jack sui nostri “cari” smartphones, molte aziende si sono focalizzate sulla vendita di aggeggi e adattatori vari per sopperire a questa mancanza. Oggi vedremo un mini DAC/AMP dell’azienda AUDIRECT: il modello whistle.
Audirects Whistle sounds great. I mean I love the sound of its name. And it sounds good. From an audio perspective, it is more than worth its 99$ price tag. It gets louder than an iPhone (even approaching high-end DAP territory), keeps THD and IMD to inaudible levels, and does so with amazing unloaded performance. Even loaded it does remarkably, again approaching high-end DAP territory.
WHISTLE 口哨耳擴 可支援DSD解碼及384khz採樣的電腦/手機
測試 WHISTLE 口哨耳擴 可支援DSD解碼及384khz採樣的電腦/手機 USB DAC
精準的「迷你」殺手──Audirect Whistle口哨隨身DAC
Audirect Whistle Dac/Amp Review - A.
I recently had the pleasure to review AudioDirect’s Whistle, an amazing dac/ amp.
The Audirect Whistle is small in size but Big in Sound…